We all deserve to be happy, healthy and have a great life full of fulfilling relationships and experiences. But often we get so caught up looking for these things that we forget the most essential part - our own soul and authentic self.

Once we start reconnecting with our soul, magical things happen and things start to flow in a more seamless way and the quest for happiness can be replaced with the essence of true joy.

But staying in alignment with our true self is not always easy in a world full of demands, deadlines, bills, working overtime and looking after those around us. Establishing a daily routine of self-care is essential as is the need to surround yourself with like-minded people - a community where you are free to be your true self and get support and backing when needed.

So what are you waiting for? Will you stand on the sideline of your own life or join the ride? Only you can decide...

For free weekly inspiration, you can join my free Facebook community called Happiness, Health and Hygge.

You can also access a wide range of free resources on my website: www.dortejohansen.com

"Her advice is applicable, simple yet powerful and life-changing."

- Christina, London, UK

Loving Dorte's Coaching
Ways to work with me

Check out my website for details on how to work with me: www.dortejohansen.com

My online community

If you're looking for weekly inspiration to lift your spirit the join my free Facebook group.

The power of Hygge

Understanding the concept of hygge as a mindset can be life-changing. Read more.

Hi, I’m Dorte

I'm a personal transformation mentor specializing in Nordic sustainable living traditions, as well as an intuitive and artist

It took me a lot of pain to reclaim my life and find, as well as trust, my inner power and truth – and now I help women all over the world to do exactly that – but without all the detours and heartache it took me! We all deserve to live empowered lives full of joy and flow so are you ready to start living the life you know you want and deserve? Then you’re in the right place.